Friday, September 17, 2010

Just checking in...

We checked in with the NICU this past week (Alexander was at the hospital to see one of his specialists) and they still have 8 bags left, so we're set for a little bit.

We're definitely short on blankets and small-ish stuffed animals, so if anyone's up for a donation, that'd be helpful

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Our first thank you card!

We received our first Project Preemie thank you card in the mail today. It brought a tear to my eye, because we never really expected thanks - I know we were far too busy with the whole NICU experience to even get through thank yous for our delayed baby shower.

Among other nice things, the card says "...receiving your gift and hearing of your story has really helped us to find hope."

And really, that's what this little project is all about, you know?

Sunday, July 18, 2010


This week I'm knitting a little preemie sized afghan. I really wish I had more time for this - I know I can't do one a week to meet our expected quantity for the year. Anyone want to do some?

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Two years!

Today is Alexander's second birthday. We'll be making a delivery of micro-preemie gift bags today in his honor, along with cupcakes for the NICU staff - after spending his first 9 1/2 months there, we still keep in touch with many of them, and they're all thrilled to see his progress.

Along with that, we're setting up this new public blog, to continue publicising our little project, and we'll be posting links to other similar and related efforts.